Site & Building Reciprocity Harvard Graduate School of Design, Fall 2016, Adviser Jennifer Bonner

The site is introduced in the conceptualization of architecture in the third project. The space between buildings is the focus of design investigation, exploring the effects of their relationship on the urban fabric and, reciprocally, the tectonic consequences of the urban project on the architectural object. To think architecturally is to understand the relationship between site and building. The objective of this third project is to develop the two simultaneously, producing discernable architectural and urban relationships that are calibrated, interdependent, inextricable, and irreducible.
— Megan Panzano, Curriculum Coordinator.

Calling to mind the ubiquity of suburban cul-de-sacs allows for urban interconnectivity through their disruption of the rigidity of typologies such as the Barcelona grid. Opportunities exist at the intersections where the street meets the residential front. In overlaying scatter plans from disparate contexts, a touch of New Urbanism is introduced yet it differs as it is independent of a delineating narrative. The randomness offers a driver to create seemingly un-curated moments that only entropy can help to initiate. The scatter plan logic is integrated by mirroring, rotating, and applying simplisitic boolean operations from planimetric view. Elevationally, the fenestration remains nominal until you approach a cul-de-sac condition where the formalism of the typical breaks down and new interior conditions emerge.